Purpose of the Campus Crusade for Christ
With an ambitious and dedicated staff and thousands of volunteers, the mission of the Campus Crusade for Christ is to reach as many people as possible to follow with them in the journey to practice Gods word. Through spiritual movements, Churches across the world and the internet, they hope to achieve a world of peace, who worship the Holy Spirit. By penetrating all areas of society, their movement hopes to build faith in God, one person at a time.
The Crusade is known as the biggest evangelism mission in the world and with that comes a great responsibility to ensure that the mission of the crusade is taken seriously. The founders are very active in the organization and inspire their volunteers and members to achieve new heights while carrying out the mission. With over 60 years of experience behind them, the Campus Crusade for Christ, which was originally started on a college campus, is able to carry out their missions effectively around the world.
To help aid their mission the Campus Crusade for Christ has developed four different specialized movements. Each movement focuses on a select group of people to both teach and inspire to volunteer towards their missions. The Student movement is geared toward college students in hopes that the students will spread the word across campus, much like the crusade's roots in 1951. There is also a leader movement that reaches out to business owners and community leaders along with a church based movement that builds churches in areas where there are none in an attempt to plant religion.
The organization also offers a virtual movement which takes advantage of the technologies available today to reach out to millions of people online. With over 27,000 members worldwide the mission of the Campus Crusade for Christ is in action every day, across the world.
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